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Lexus ES 250


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Ich mache grad mal einen Ausflug zum Lexus-Forum, weil ich mich schon sehr lange für einen ES 250 interessiere. Weiß jemand, wo ich sowas herbekomme? Daß es den in D net gab, weiß ich auch, das macht es ja so schwierig...


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Soweit ich wiess ist der ES250 einfach nur ein Camry mit ein paar Extras für den US markt.

Hier ein Bild vom 1990er ES250


Und hier ein 1990er Camry


Wenn überhaupt, dann bekommst Du ihn über einen US Import. Irgendwo im Internet habe ich mal einen Preis von 6000US$ für einen ES250 von 1990 mit 150.000km gesehen.

Hier noch ein paar Seiten mit ES250 Bildern:

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  • 1 year later...

Hello, I'm from holland, aber meinen deutch ist nicht zo gut, so ich möchte meinen text in engels zetsen.

I know how difficult it is to find a real ES250.

by coinsedence I've found one in Holland, brought there by an American Diplomat and the only one known in the whole Benelux.

It's a great car, offcourse with the typical Lexus minours (oilsealing is leeking).

But know the interresting part, it will come to Deuthland, my parrents are moving into here, so this car will went with them.


By the way,

a Camry isn't like a ES250, specialy not the European and Amerikan ones, the bodywork is different and the Lexus is a hardtop sedan. In Japan were some early Camry based Toyota Windom's. this are the sistercars.

main differens is the extra time spent on technics and engine (much easier and more qiuet) and soundisolating materials.

U can only tell the difference when you see one, and driven one

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also, etwas ein stukje uber meinen ES250

This Lexus ES250 is a verry rare car all over the world.

Viewed for the first time for public on a 1989 Detroit motorshow besides the all new LS400.

The ES250 went for sale in September of 1989 and was sold for two years till september 1991, when the new ES300 came on.

This specific model was bought by an American Diplomat who took it to Holland in 1994, by doiing this, he brought the only one around in this part of Europe.

The car divides itself from a Japanese hardtop Camry on wich it's based by a more sopfisticated suspension and a more smoothly engine and transmission.

Also they added over 150kg off extra pakkedge material, that makes the car more quietly than a Camry.

Driving this car is great, most people don't even see what car you're driving in and thge luxery is overwelming.

Everything is on it, from electric chairs (with leader off-course) to aircon and cruisecontrol.

The Lexus ES250 is a Hardtop sedan, witch means that the windows havn't got any pillars, and the B-style is just a verry small style.

some pics off my ride





besides this Lexus my dad owns a verry nice Lexus GS300 wich is tuned by the TTE when it was bought new.

it is lowerd a stunning 10cm and it's suspension is rebuild with some extra stabilisators.

This car drives easelly 260 KM/H and it's sprint is reduced bij allmost a second.


bearbeitet von Toyowilly
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