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The time, 5.25pm ................. the date, Friday 20th May 2005.

Location, Barking ....................

I sit inside this machine, and buckle up ......... looking happily out of these slightly tinted windows, at all the people who stand there looking and grining as the machine starts to move off ..............

2nd gear was selected ............ 15mph on the clock ......... approach a junction, then the road to the left was taken ............

Still cruising in 2nd gear, approx 20mph .... a 3rd gear is selected , now cruising at a speed of about 40 mph.

I sit looking at all these dials, and whilst looking at the dials, notice there is a 1/4 tank of petrol in the machine ...........................

Still waiting around, to be impressed by what I'm about to see I start staring out the side window at passers by, who are just staring ....... Then .... a second hand is place on the steering wheel, the right foot slams the pedal to the ground .............. at this point I'm stuck to the passengers side seat, and can't move ........ gasping for air as we start to travel quicker and quicker ........................ so quick that I look over at the speedo and we are doing 70mph, in the space of a second ..............

Driver's hand reaches over to the gear stick, clutch goes down ....... you hear this almighty roar of the turbo ....... the fourth gear is selected ... clutch goes back up ...... you hear another almighty roar ........ and the back end twitches slightly with all this power going through it ..............

We are now starting to travel at 110mph .............. I'm still trying to get my breath, and my stomach is turning upside down and inside out ......... desperatly trying to hold on, clasping to my seat belt ...........

Drivers hand reaches down for the gear stick again, clutch goes down ...... another almighty roar, 5th gear selected, clutch goes back up ........ anothe almighty roar .......... back end again twitches from side to side ........ by this time, we were travelling through time ......... everything around me was just a blur ........ the car was roaring .... and gagging for more acceleration ....... as the turbo's were making the pssssssssssht noises every time the gear was changed .......................

Then, the 6th gear was selected ........... another roar, another twitch of the rear end, wheels still spining on every single damn gear change ! .......... by this time, we were somewhere in the year 2020 ............... I didn't dare look over to the speedo, as everything else was just a blur ........... still gasping for air ........ driver then starts to slow down ............. instantly we reach about 40mph cruising speed again, as the car is still gagging for more acceleration .........................

What does the driver have to say ? "oh .... that was homo mode .... we were only running at 1.5 bar boost" ................ a few alterations to this little EVC controller on the dash, and the pressure was put back up to 5 bar boost ......... and all of the above, again, only this time at WARP SPEED. I was truley in a time machine ........... on four wheels !!

We return to the residence ............. TDi BARKING, driver again says "oh, we still haven't got all the potential out of this car yet" (i'm still busy trying to figure out what day it was)

Driver,  steers back into the Industrial Est. ............ I look over, the petrol gauge was empty, and the petrol light was flashing !!!!!!!!

Out of the car I get, almost passing out on othe floor  sick.gif  ........................

Wer errät es? .......... :scared:

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ich weiß nicht was es da zu erraten gibt.

irgendjemand hat sich nen turbo eingebaut und ist stolz drauf, dass er 5bar anlegen kann und das ding abgeht wie ne rakete...

und weiter ?

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ich verstehe den text aber so, dass scarface nebendran saß...



freut mich, dass der geile wagen auch endlich mal läuft :tooth:

bearbeitet von psaiko
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NA ALSO... das Monster wurde aufgeweckt!! :lol2:

Aber 5bar..... na ich weiß nicht.... :lol2:

Ich kenn keinen Supra der 5bar macht.... die Stärksten fahren mit 33PSI das sind mal knapp 2bar.

Es gibt auch keine Anzeigen für 5bar.

Hat er sich verschrieben?? :lol2:

Ansonsten echt tolle Leistung, daß das Ding endlich auf den Beinen..... ööhm Rädern ist. :tooth:

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5 bar??? :( hebs da nicht den Deckel runter vom Motorblock? :thumbup:

Freu mich schon auf die JEA :g: :thumbup: *vrooomvrooom*

Und das legal...ich glaub ich zieh um, an den rechtslenker kann man sich gewöhnen :cry:



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wollte zwei bilder dranhängen......sorry klappt irgendwie nicht  :cry:

:thumbup:    habs aufgegeben  :thumbup:

Schau mal hier nach, ob Du nicht schon Dein Maximum an Anhängen erreicht hast: LINK

Evtl musst Du dann etwas löschen. Ansonsten gilt: Immer erst in die Gallery hochladen!

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Es sind wohl tatsächlich 5bar Boost!!

Das ist unglaublich  ;)

Meine Rechnung 300 x 5 = 1500PS!!!!!!!!

Es reicht. Ich frag ihn jetzt. ;)

Ich glaub die sind mit den Zahlen immer ein bisschen zu hoch.... :thumbup:

Das glaub ich denen nie... :clap:

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