Hier meine Antworten,
die Komfortheizung spricht "sofort" an. Das ist ein Infrarotheizer, der es an den Beinen erstmal "mollig" warm werden lässt, bevor die andere Heizung loslegen kann (eine Wärmepumpe braucht eine Weile). Keine Ahnung was Sie an Strom verbraucht - kann man ja nicht separat messen.
Wendekreis - keine Ahnung - ich bin bisher ohne Probleme um jedes eck herumgekommen - auch wenden auf der Straße ist kein Problem 😉
Ok, das war mir so nicht bekannt, mit diesen verbreiteten Ungenauigkeiten.
Mir ist zwar bekannt, dass die Bodengruppe unserer HHs weitgehend identisch mit der des '08 RX 400h sind, aber ist das auch bei den Kennzahlen zum KAT (homologierter EU- Lexus vs. US-Highlander)?
There is only dealership and it is the official one. We can go in different cities, yes, but those are Lexus dealerships as well, they would tell the same tale. If we are taking the car in another service, we lose the warranty. We have consulted a lawyer, the advice was not to sue because we have little evidence and they can delete and rewrite everything they want in the vehicle's computer. It would be extremely hard and expensive to have an international expertise done.
My purpose now is to know if this situation is something that happened to others and if it did, how it was solved. My concern is our safety, I do not look to gain something from Lexus out of this. And I am also very pissed on their attitude, very robotic I would say. Also, something very interesting is that even if they scheduled the car for diagnosis on 28th of November, they did the diagnosis last evening, after work hours. Why the rush? Took them 2 weeks to change a wheel, but now they are working after hours.